Jackson Rolling Thunder Tahuka, of the Ajachmen Nation, performs the “Chicken Dance” gifted to him in his Saskatchewan tribe adoption.

Members of the Gabrielneno Nation perform a prayer at Pahne 2024. Transcending space and time, Pahne remains to be a site of ancestral importance as it brings tribes from all over California together to fight for their predecessors and their descendants rights to culture and land.

The “godsons” of the San Clemente RC surfing club start their mornings north of the pier.

The City of Dana Point holds a vibrant celebration for Dia De Los Muertos on November 2, 2024. La Plaza park was sprinkled with marigolds and mariachi music as local residents celebrated the Mexican tradition.

Jackson Rollingthunder Tahuka (pictured) and Frankie Guevara, brother, keep Ajachamen culture alive and thriving in San Juan Capistrano. Alongside learning about the Obsidian and Abalone trade with inland and desert tribes, Tahuka also shared the importance of music in Ajachamen culture to local fourth graders on the Mission Grounds